活動時間 Time:2024.2.29 (Thu) 13:30-16:00
活動地點 Location:逸仙堂 Sun Yat Sen Auditorium
主講者 Speaker:Kevin Lin , Twitch共同創辦人暨前營運長
Twitch不僅是全球最大的遊戲玩家和創作者直播社群影片平台,同時也是價值數十億美元的電競產業核心。在此次爐邊談話中,Kevin Lin將以輕鬆且深入淺出的方式,與大家分享他的創新思維、創業歷程以及面對挑戰時的應對策略。
We’re excited to host Mr. Kevin Lin, co-founder and former COO of Twitch, who will share his insights on innovation and entrepreneurship in an engaging session.
Please fill in the following Registration Form information to complete the registration, This form is open until 2024.2.17(Saturday).
This lecture provides certificates of official leave. Attendees who need one can obtain a copy at the registration table on the day of the event.
Participants who attend the event and complete on-site registration will be awarded a proof of participation for the Internationalization Pillar.
The shuttle bus from Taoyuan campus to Taipei campus is scheduled to depart at 12:15pm.
Organizer:Vice President of International Affairs Office